New Construction Sample Commissioning RFP
- Design Phase
- Develop a commissioning plan for the project including a list of Cx team members, their roles and responsibilities within the process, a list of systems to be commissioned, and a detailed schedule for functional performance testing
- Plan, facilitate, and document a design phase commissioning kickoff meeting to explain Cx team obligations to the design phase Cx process
- Review and provide written comments on the Owner’s Project Requirements document as developed by the design consultant; assess systems’ design and installation against these criteria and identify any deviations as they present themselves
- Attend X design phase meetings (to be conducted biweekly via web interface) throughout the design phase; each meeting is expected to be Y hours
- Conduct commissioning reviews of the DD and CD design submissions (if multiple bid packages are expected to apply to the Cx scope, state so in the RFP)
- Plan, facilitate, and document 3 design review meetings (post-DD, post-CD, and post-addendum) to review the status of key review comments with the Cx team
- Develop a commissioning specification to be included in the project documents
- Construction Phase
- Plan, facilitate, and document a construction phase commissioning kickoff meeting to explain Cx team obligations to the Cx process during the construction and warranty phases
- Coordinate with the construction manager to integrate commissioning-related milestones into the master construction schedule
- Attend X construction phase meetings (to be conducted weekly via web interface) throughout the construction phase; each meeting is expected to be Y hours
- Plan, facilitate, and document monthly Cx meetings to review the status of Cx actions with the Cx team
- Review submittals associated with systems to be commissioned and provide comments to the design team for consideration
- Conduct monthly site observations while construction of systems to be commissioned is occurring (expected to be Z months); provide a written report of observations and recommendations following each visit
- Review construction documentation for impacts to OPR and commissioning scope as they become available
- Develop construction checklists to document contractor’s readiness for functional performance testing of systems to be commissioned; provide access to final construction checklists to Cx team for execution at least 4 weeks prior to the associated scheduled test
- Develop functional performance test procedures to document function and performance of systems to be commissioned; provide access to test procedures to Cx team for reference at least 4 weeks prior to the associated scheduled test
- Develop a list of recommended trend logs (including data collection intervals for each) to be set up by the temperature controls contractor
- Review the test & balance report for compliance with the construction documents; provide comments to the design team for consideration
- Spot-check a random sample of the test and balance report readings and provide a report of findings; assume 1 day of spot-checking
- Plan, facilitate and document a functional performance test for each system to be commissioned; a random sampling strategy of no less than 20% may be used for like terminal systems, but no less than 2 of each type shall be tested
- Maintain a list of deficiencies to be corrected by the contractor; track the completion of corrective actions and retest all corrected work to verify adequate function and performance
- Collect contractor training records for each system to be commissioned as a record of training completion
- Review the contractor’s final O&M manuals to confirm that all systems/equipment within the commissioning scope is represented and that the O&M information applies to the equipment installed
- Review and comment on as-built controls shop drawings for accuracy following all functional performance testing, corrective actions, and retesting
- Warranty phase
- For any system that cannot be tested (in part or in full) prior to substantial completion (due to weather or construction changes); return to the site to complete functional testing at such time that adequate testing can be completed
- For all systems that are functionally tested (whether in part or in full) in the opposite season of their design peak load, return to the site during the peak season to confirm proper performance
- Return to the site once during the warranty period to review trend data; identify and document unexpected results for further investigation by the owner and/or contractor
- Compile a final commissioning report including commissioning record documentation and key documents related to the commissioning process; include recommendations for future improvement
List of systems to commission (be more specific, if possible)
- HVAC: air and hydronic heating and cooling systems
- Plumbing: domestic hot water systems
- Electrical: normal power, emergency power, UPS, lighting controls, and fire alarm systems
- Building automation system (as applicable to above systems)
- Integrated systems test (to test the response of building systems during a loss of power)